Veranstalter: Evang. Akademie Tutzing – Network Scientists for Cycling/European Cyclists‘ Federation
Potential Contributions of Cycling to Future Post-Fossil Fuel Mobilities
Eine Veranstaltung mit den Transformateuren Martin Held und Manfred Neun
This Tutzing workshop brings together expertise from a broad range of disciplines to share the current state of research and to identify knowledge gaps in the search for sustainable future scenarios. We use the language of Active Mobility to emphasise the importance of people, their needs and aspirations for a good life rather than the description of non-motorized transport (NMT) with its implication of a deficit or lack. Active Mobility is about public space and the role of places, the design of infrastructure and technology as well as the means and practices of mobility, walking and cycling.
Empirical evidence suggests that physical activity is good for health and well-being and that cycling is climate-friendly and cost-effective. We know that it fosters social inclusion as well as sustainable and lively cities. Comparative studies and case-studies demonstrate the diversity of cycling cultures as well as their evolving role in the broader context of mobility cultures.
We invite researchers from planning, engineering, social sciences, economics, education, medicine and related disciplines as well as all other disciplines of cycling related research to present their research to our Contributed Papers Programme both to show the state of current research and to point towards future directions.
We invite academics, other researchers and interested practitioners to come to Tutzing. Discuss the state of the art, debate what issues and which lines of research should be now pursued: Which questions should be put on the list of research funding? What are basic research questions? Which new questions arise? Which links and overlaps have potential? Which priorities should be made?
Use the spirit of the place to network and find research partners and to find researchers to answer your questions as well. Welcome to Tutzing at the shore of Lake of Starnberg halfway between Munich and the Alps.
Dr. Martin Held (D) – Manfred Neun (D/B) – Tilman Bracher (D) – Dr. Peter Cox (UK) – Prof. Dr. Regine Gerike (A) – Prof. Dr. Bas de Geus (B) – Prof. Dr. Georg Hauger (A) – Prof. Dr. Markus Mailer (A) – Prof. Dr. John Parkin (UK) – Dr. Ida Sabelis (NL)