Bild: pixabay, Alexander Lesnitsky
Transition towards Sustainable Mobility –
Perspectives Derived from a Temporal Framework
1. Dezember 2005

Ein Beitrag des Transformateurs Martin Held und unserem Netzwerkpartner Klaus Kümmerer, anläßlich der Konferenz in Brest 2005 zum Thema: „Time and organizational development: Between digitalization, simultaneity and

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Transition towards sustainable mobility is analyzed in a temporal perspective. Temporal framework for analysis is outlined and a case study focused on automakers as one of the major players in the overall field of relevant players for transition is presented and discussed. We made in-depth interviews with 6 out of the TOP 10 major automakers plus one further corporation as an example for a subsidiary of a major. Results of the case study demonstrate that transition towards sustainable mobility (TRANS) has different features compared to UnSustainable Mobility (USM) and to Sustainable Mobility (SM) as well. It can be concluded that the still dominant framing within USM should be changed and all players should actively step forward to the next stage and shape TRANS as time frame.